Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Streaming on Netflix and Prime

Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Streaming on Netflix and Prime

The Christmas season is bearing down on us with welcomed threats of mistletoe and butter-laden cookies (AND the Christmas Blessing Giveaway at the bottom of this post), and I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to one of our favorite traditions: snuggling up with the family and watching family-friendly Christmas movies!

In fact, we just had another movie night and, while we may be pushing the season a bit watching a Christmas movie, we just went ahead and did it because I stinkin’ LOVE Christmas and watching Christmas movies! Plus, we had already set up the tree that afternoon anyway, so we might as well go all out! 😂

We actually own quite a few stored on our family room computer hard drive/TV setup (thank you, IT nerd husband), but we don’t own everything. So services like Netflix or Amazon Prime are great options with impressive selections of Christmas movies for all one’s varied Chrstimasy moods.

**This would be a good time for me to interject a “commercial break” and tell you about a really awesome option for filtering your streaming service! It’s called VidAngel and I just signed up to try it out! They are running a Black Friday special from now until December 2nd where you can get six free months of service…woo-hoo!**

What I love about streaming services like Netflix or Prime besides the huge selection of options is how you can click a button and just start watching (yay, instant gratification!).

I for one am happy to leave the neighborhood Blockbuster days behind (am I showing my age here?) where you could spend time meandering the store for an hour trying to choose the right movie, only to return home with a movie you’re certain your kids could have done a better job writing and producing.

The days of just stopping and hitting another button are so dang liberating! 🙌

Of course, we don’t have to worry about disappointment with our old tried and true favorites…classics like Elf, The Polar Express, and It’s a Wonderful Life. All must-sees for us every season.

But I’m going to also talk about a few lesser-known favorites here. Most of them I have seen, but I’m throwing in a few new ones that I plan to put on our list for this season.

Just be sure you check a site like Parent Previews or Common Sense Media to get a better sense of what films may or may not be good for your family to watch. In our family, we have lots of conversations about what we watch, even pausing in the middle of our viewing to talk about things we disagree (or agree) with.

It’s a great way to include discipleship even in a family movie night! Win-win! But I know we all have different convictions on what we will allow, so be discerning and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Benefits of Watching Christmas Movies with Loved Ones

While it should be pretty clear what the benefits of watching Christmas movies with your family are, let’s just say it out loud here so you don’t have that weighty “mom guilt” that I know we all struggle with this time of year when the holidays invade our neatly-ordered schedules (well, YOUR neatly-ordered schedule, perhaps. I probably shouldn’t claim that achievement). 😆

The first benefit is the strong family bonding memories you are creating. Obviously, movies can evoke strong emotions. And fortunately, most Christmas movies are going to evoke the good kind. I have yet to hear of a Christmas tragedy!

(Side note: With any movie, keep the emotional component in mind when choosing what you will watch. Younger kids, especially those with high IQs, can be extremely sensitive to things you may not even realize. How my daughter could handle Lord of the Rings at age 5, but The Prince of Egypt, unbeknownst to us, terrified her, I will never fully understand. But there’s that.)

We have many good memories built around watching movies and sharing our favorite scenes, plot twists, and quotes. (There are a couple movies I’m pretty certain we could all quote word-perfect from start to finish!)

And once my kids actually got into the film world with acting and crew jobs, we found ourselves watching right through the credits to see who they knew or had worked with. Watching movies they had worked on was especially fun, as they shared behind-the-scenes stories of bloopers and crazy moments that turned into genius parts of the movie.

The second benefit is that movies, like anything else, can be educational. Here’s where lifeschooling comes in!

You may not naturally think through all the ways your kids are learning, but it’s good to be reminded that the educational aspect is there. For example, look for things like:

  • Cultural traditions
  • Moral lessons
  • Historical context

If you pay attention, these things can be a catalyst for conversations later… or as I’ve mentioned, if you’re like us, during the movie by hitting the “pause” button and stopping for instructive conversations throughout! 😆

A Christmas Carol, for example, touches on themes of generosity and redemption, historical traditions, and even the biblical concept of sowing and reaping.

How to Create a Cozy Movie-Watching Experience at Home

Comfort is key when it comes to watching family friendly Christmas movies…or any movies, for that matter! Think of all aspects and how you can make the experience more cozy.

I know it’s just a casual family movie night, but I think when we go out of the way to make things more special, it can be very memorable for our kids! I know it’s the simple things that my kids remember most.

  • Lighting – Consider hanging twinkle lights and turning off any harsh lighting in the room.
  • Seating – Bring in bean bag chairs, floor pillows, and extra blankets to snuggle under on the couch!
  • Attire – Why not break out the comfy Christmas PJs? Take a few pictures of everyone, too, while you’re at it!
  • Snacks – Pizza, popcorn, and OlliPop are essential to our standard movie nights, but for Christmas, we sometimes make hot chocolate, as well. Bake some Christmas cookies in the afternoon for a memorable treat.

Oh, and here’s a general recommendation: Fold all your laundry that’s been sitting around in baskets all week. Or shove it in your bedroom and pretend you folded it. That works, too! 😂

We want a relaxing, non-cluttered environment and trust me, you don’t want to trip over that basket while you’re holding your popcorn container, either. We’ve had our share of popcorn showers and they are not nearly as nice as actual snow.

So, without further ado… here are the Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Streaming on Netflix and Prime.

Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Available on Netflix and Prime

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Well, we’re starting with one I haven’t seen yet, but several trusted friends have said it is one they think will become a Christmas staple in their home, so I’m eager to see it! It just came out this year, so it’s not yet streaming, but is projected to be available sometime between Friday, November 29 to Friday, December 6.

There are several names I recognize among the producers and crew, including the Erwin brothers, who produced Mom’s Night Out, and Dallas Jenkins, producer of The Chosen. The story is about what happens when six of the most misbehaved kids disrupt the town’s annual Christmas pageant.

White Christmas

We all know and love the song, “White Christmas,” but have you ever actually seen the movie it’s based on? I haven’t! This is another one that needs to go on our to-see list. It’s about two musical men who become a wildly popular song and dance act after the war.

The Nativity Story

I think The Nativity story is one of those movies that should be watched every year, just to remind us all of what the season is really about. This movie brings the story of Jesus’ birth to life in the most historically-accurate retelling possible. Which is great, since so many of us get our understanding from the Nativity scenes on our mantles with the shepherds, wise men, and everyone all together in the stable. Not exactly historically accurate!

I Heard the Bells

picture of "I Heard the Bells" DVD cover with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I just added this one to the list because we finally had a chance to watch it on our movie night with my parents during our Thanksgiving vacation, and it was well worth seeing! It’s based on the true story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, so you can count this as part of American literature studies, too!

Longfellow faces some terribly heart-breaking tragedies, but through his trials and serious struggles with his faith because of them, he finally pens the beloved Christmas song, “I Heard the Bells.”

I remember as a kid listening to our records (hashtag showing-my-age) and falling in love with the moving words of that song! I had no idea the personal tragedy behind them, so it makes me treasure the song all the more. Just be careful if you have sensitive children. While it does end well, it is a very emotional movie.

The Man Who Invented Christmas

Here’s another opportunity to incorporate literature (this time British literature) in your festivities. It’s like adding squash to muffins…a little extra nutrition and the kids are none the wiser. 😉

This is a movie about Charles Dickens and the journey that led him to write one of the most impactful Christmas novels ever written, A Christmas Carol. It would be fun to watch one of the versions of A Christmas Carol first, then get the “story behind the story” through this movie.

Classic Christmas Movies for All Ages

The following three movies are definite must-watch nostalgia-inducing movies for our family every year and must be included in this Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Streaming on Netflix and Prime! In fact, I can’t remember a year when we haven’t watched them. These are classics that you’ve most likely watched, as well, but it’s worth a reminder.

It’s a Wonderful Life

family hugging in front of a full moon with the title, "It's a Wonderful Life."

There are so many great quotes from this movie, but one of the last lines of this movie, written in a note, never fails to give me a lump in my throat. “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” (That and his brother’s quote, “To my big brother, the richest man in the world!”) I know it doesn’t sound so impactful here, but with the culmination of the entire story and how impactful one man’s life can be on those he loves, it is quite a moving sentiment.

If you haven’t seen this quintessential Christmas film that tells the story of George Bailey, a man who learns about the impact of his life on others when he’s shown how the world would be without him, then you really need to put it on your bucket list! We all need really easy things to complete on our bucket lists anyway. 😂

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Who can forget this one? I loved the TV Christmas specials as a kid and this one was always in the lineup. Charlie Brown searches for the true meaning of Christmas amidst rampant commercialism and finally finds it in the simple reading of Scripture.

I wonder if they even air it on TV anymore. I guess these days drag queens are not controversial, but the Bible is.

The Little Drummer Boy

Ask my family what my favorite Christmas movie is and they will tell you it’s the Little Drummer Boy! I know, I know. It’s a 20-minute claymation kids movie. How can that be my favorite? Well, for several reasons.

First, the claymation is impressive. Can you imagine the hours it took to do all that by hand?

Second, the story is simple, but very moving. It is simple enough for any child to relate to it, but the message is profound.

Which brings me to my third, and probably main, reason. When I was in nursery school, one of the most vivid memories I have is going into one of the big rooms with all the other kids and watching this movie. At one particular scene, which I won’t give away, I was so touched with emotion that it really made an impact on me! And I have forever loved the movie ever since. If you haven’t watched this classic, you absolutely need to!

Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

cover of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer DVD

We can’t name off classics without Rudolf! This was another seasonal regular on the TV specials back in my day. It’s a must-watch for the season.

Miracle on 34th Street

We finally watched this Christmas classic for our last movie night (kicking off the Christmas season a little early just because we can) and it did not disappoint! A cute story about a man who thinks he’s Santa Claus…or is he really?

Animated Christmas Movies for Kids and Adults

The Polar Express

This is definitely a movie to snuggle up to! The story of a magical train ride to the North Pole is not especially deep, but it’s the kind of movie that young children will love and it brings that special Christmas feeling to your home.

Arthur Christmas

We have not seen this one, but it looks like it’s said to be a humorous twist on the traditional Christmas narrative. This film follows Santa’s clumsy son, Arthur, as he embarks on a mission to deliver a forgotten present to a child before Christmas morning.

Disney’s A Christmas Carol

DVD cover of Scrooge flying through the air over the town with the title, "A Christmas Carol."

If you’ve read Dickens’ classic book, then you know this one is not for little kids. It’s even a little creepy for the adults in our family! But the story is so impactful and I love this version with Jim Carey playing just about every part! We watch it every year. If you want to introduce the story to younger kids, a better version would be Mickey’s Christmas Carol.

Romantic Christmas Movies for Couples

Okay, you have to have a few movies that are just for you and your spouse to snuggle up to!

Hallmark Christmas movies

I lumped the Hallmark movies all together because honestly, if you’ve seen one, you’ve kind of seen them all! But if you like romantic Christmas movies and have no objection to seeing the same story repackaged multiple ways with different actors and settings, then Hallmark movies can be fun to watch (and fall asleep to…you’ll see the ending and can pretty much fill in the rest).

I once saw a funny Hallmark Christmas bingo printable with squares like, “man rescues woman from predicament,” “impending real estate deal,” and “demanding boss only cares about money.” I think we’ve all seen that movie in different forms! 😂

While You Were Sleeping

If you want something a little more original, though, one of our favorites I’d recommend is While You Were Sleeping. It stars a younger Sandra Bullock who is single and alone, working in a toll booth and dreaming of being married to a handsome man who passes through her turnstile each day.

After a freak accident on the train tracks where he bumps his head and falls into a coma, she suddenly becomes entangled with his family and the story takes some interesting turns from there.

The Ultimate Gift

We watched this years ago and loved it, but somehow I had forgotten the title or even what it was about! I just knew it had “gift” in it…and yet somehow a friend read my mind and reminded me of the title! That’s a good friend. 😂

This movie is about a spoiled young man whose billionaire grandfather dies, and instead of just leaving him his inheritance, he must embark on a series of challenges that will ultimately give him the “ultimate gift.”

Comedy Christmas Movies for the Whole Family


Our family’s favorite Christmas comedy has to be Elf, featuring Will Ferrell as Buddy, a human raised by elves at the North Pole. When Buddy discovers his true identity, he travels to New York City in search of his biological father.

There are some legitimate laugh-out-loud moments (including the Christmas tree decorating scene which made me cry laughing the first time I saw it!) and heartwarming scenes that remind viewers of the importance of family, acceptance, and the joy of Christmas spirit.

The Santa Clause

Tim Allen stars in this 90s-era Christmas classic that has become another regular for us during this season. When Santa dies after falling from his roof, Allen is tasked with taking over his job. I believe there may be one swear word, but it is overall a very clean movie.

Home Alone

Who can leave this classic off their list of Top Family-Friendly Christmas Movies Streaming on Netflix and Prime? In case you’ve never seen it, this movie is about a young boy named Kevin McCallister, who is accidentally left behind when his family goes on vacation. He somehow uses his creativity to fend off two dumb criminals who attempt to rob the home.

Conclusion: Enjoy the Holiday Season with These Heartwarming Christmas Movies on Netflix

The holiday season is such a wonderful opportunity to take a break from the regular routine of homeschooling and create lasting family memories. Trust me, the years go fast! Cherish the moments of family bonding while you have them, and take heart. Stories are one of the most powerful tools for teaching, so you may be surprised by what they are learning!

Do you have favorite Christmas movies you watch every year in your home? Have you recently discovered new ones? I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below!

But before I close out this long post, I have one more exciting thing to share!

$200 Shopping Spree Giveaway!

I’m teaming up with an amazing group of bloggers to bless several families this year!! With the economy being what it is and Christmas being a further stretch on the pocketbooks, we know a little extra something can go a long way. That’s why we’re giving away FOUR $200 gift cards to four winners—and you get to choose where you’d like to spend it. Whether you’re dreaming of a shopping spree, checking off your gift list, or just buying groceries (IYKWIM) this is your chance to make it happen.

Each winner will get a $200 gift card to wherever they choose – a restaurant, clothing store, grocery store, online retailer – any place that offers gift cards!

There are lots of entry options in the Rafflecopter form below – the more you enter, the better your chance of winning!  I know it can seem tedious and time consuming to go through all the entries, but isn’t a chance at $200 worth it? I think it is!  Plus, all of these amazing bloggers donated their own money towards the prizes, so this giveaway wouldn’t be possible without them.  I hope you’ll take the time to check out each one. Who knows, maybe you will find some new blogs to follow.

The giveaway will run from Monday, November 18th through Wednesday, November 27th (ends at 11:59pm EST). Winner will be notified by email shortly after the giveaway ends and will have 48 hours to respond to claim the prize or another winner will be drawn. By entering this giveaway, you agree to be added to the email lists of the participating bloggers.  Please be sure to read the Rafflecopter terms and conditions upon entering.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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