Category: Spiritual Lessons

stressed lady with her head in her hands
Failed Plans: How to NOT Get It All Done

Failed Plans: How to NOT Get it All Done Do you feel like failed plans are just part of your everyday existence…like no matter how many blog posts or articles you read about scheduling, using your time wisely, and accomplishing more, you never can seem to finish the to-do list? And all those articles just…

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Bible Verse for Anxiety: Finding Victory Through Thanksgiving

Bible Verse for Anxiety: Finding Victory Through Thanksgiving Many are searching for a Bible verse for anxiety, and general biblical wisdom on how to deal with this complex issue, as anxiety is on the rise among teens and kids. When it comes to the topic of anxiety, Christian parents want to help ground their teens…

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banner with the title of the blog post and a picture of a Bible and praying hands
16 Family Devotional Ideas to Engage All Ages

16 Family Devotional Ideas to Engage All Ages Family devotional time was (and still is) a cornerstone piece in our homeschooling and discipleship of our children over the past 22 years. These days, with two grown children and a large age gap, it’s getting trickier to balance schedules and individual needs. But we still make…

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teaching the bible
Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible – A “Teacher’s Manual” for Teaching the Bible!

I’ll never forget years ago when my oldest son was about five and there was a special speaker at the church we were attending who put a strong emphasis on teaching the Bible to our kids and helping them learn to love God’s Word as the priority in our homes. He shared how his son…

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Why Studying the Bible in Context Matters for Your Kids

One of the biggest keys to successful lifeschooling is to teach our children to love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength…and of course one of the best ways to do that is to help them learn to love the Bible, God’s love letter to them! That’s why I was excited when I…

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godly character books
6 Book Series for Building Godly Character

Having reared two children to adulthood and almost-adulthood (19 and 17), I feel I have grown into authority on the topic and can now look back and see what helped to contribute to their strong love for the Lord and desire to serve Him. It helps on the weary days as I strive to bring…

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2020: A Handful of Trials and a Million Lessons

2020 was a hard year for everyone. I think we can all agree on that point! But for some, it was especially hard. People lost jobs; had their businesses destroyed by over-zealous, draconian lawmakers under the guise of “health and safety;” and lost loved ones as a result of COVID, whether directly from the disease…

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Trump, Biden, and God’s Plans: Laughing at the Time to Come

During a time when many are crying at the times to come, that might sound like a very strange title. But I want to encourage you from Scripture today, friend. I know many of us are DIScouraged right now with the results (or lack of results) of the election here in the US. Corruption seems…

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Before the Wrath: A Documentary for Rethinking the Rapture
Before the Wrath: A Documentary for Rethinking the Rapture

Throughout our homeschooling experience, Biblical truth has been has been the foundation and we have tried to focus on the Bible in everything we do, even entertainment. That doesn’t mean it’s always an explicitly “Bible movie,” but one of my favorite activities with my children is to watch a thought-provoking movie or documentary and talk…

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How to Help your Kids Establish a Daily Devotional Habit with Minno
Help Kids Establish a Daily Devotional Habit with Minno

One of the most important things we’ve tried to do with each of our children over the years is to help them establish daily devotional habit. Quality time with the Lord. We actually included it on their chore charts…though hopefully our children didn’t think of it as a “chore”! I talked about this a bit…

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