Author: admin

About admin

Danielle Papageorgiou has been homeschooling, or “lifeschooling,” for 21 years (she counts birth as day 1!) and has blogged, spoken, and run her own conference for many of those years. She has a passion for helping other homeschoolers learn how to homeschool in a way that does not compete with family life, but actually enhances it…homeschooling done in a spirit of freedom, not legalism.
A Life-Changing College Alternative Experience

A Life-Changing College Alternative Experience Recently, I asked my son, Konur, to write on his experience “opting out of college” and going through a college alternative program called “Praxis.” Praxis saved us from paying thousands of dollars for college tuition and really helped him bridge the gap between high school graduation and landing his first…

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Homeschooling High School…the Lifeschooling Way

Homeschooling High School…the Lifeschooling or Unschooling Way Homeschooling high school is the stuff of nightmares for many homeschool moms (and dads), and by far, one of the most common questions I hear is, “How do you do a relaxed version of homeschooling, like lifeschooling or unschooling, through high school?” (Please note that I sometimes use…

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A lady gardening with her child
Gardening with Kids: Teaching Them How to Grow Their Own Garden

Gardening with Kids: Teaching Them How to Grow Their Own Garden Gardening with kids can be a fun and educational experience. And since kids love getting in the dirt and playing around to begin with, why not make it a productive experience by showing them how to build and grow their own square foot garden?…

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4 Reasons to Let Your Child Pursue His Gifts NOW

4 Reasons to Let Your Child Pursue His Gifts NOW One of the most common questions I get about lifeschooling is, “When should I encourage my child to start using his gifts?” and it’s often accompanied by, “What if he doesn’t have any gifts?” The simple answer to “when” is, NOW. But I’m assuming you’re…

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Heart Crafts and Treats for Valentine’s Day

Heart Crafts and Treats for Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with heart crafts and treats? Whether you’re looking to surprise your loved one with a sweet treat or get crafty in your homeschool with some DIY decorations, we’ve got you covered. In this post,…

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How to Plan Your Best Homeschool Planning Trip

How to Plan Your Best Homeschool Planning Trip A homeschool planning trip might not even be on your radar, but I have been doing a planning trip every January for the past few years and I have found it to be a highlight of my year. So I want to share with you why it’s…

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Building Confidence in Teens

Building Confidence in Teens “Confidence in teens” is a strange set of words…kind of like a magnet. Sometimes they click together quite strongly and other times, they seem to repel each other! If you have a teen, you know that confidence in teens is tricky. They can be full of confidence flying down the interstate…

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The Power of Unschooling (and Lifeschooling): Nurturing Self-Directed Learners

Did you know that the traditional education system, despite its supposed advancements, may only cater to some learners’ diverse needs? Shocker, I know. 😉 But that is probably why many discerning parents are resorting to alternative methods of educating their children. According to Health Research Funding, 2.9% of the students in the United States do…

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16 Family Devotional Ideas to Engage All Ages

16 Family Devotional Ideas to Engage All Ages Family devotional time was (and still is) a cornerstone piece in our homeschooling and discipleship of our children over the past 22 years. These days, with two grown children and a large age gap, it’s getting trickier to balance schedules and individual needs. But we still make…

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Spelling Made Fun and Easy: Homeschooling Tips and Tricks for the Lifeschooler

Spelling Made Fun and Easy: Homeschooling Tips and Tricks for the Lifeschooler In my 22 years homeschooling (or lifeschooling, as we like to call it), we have never had “homeschooling spelling” as a formal subject. I’m such a rebel! But it’s not because I don’t think spelling is an important skill. It is. And it’s…

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