7 Christmas Breakfast and Brunch Ideas

Christmas brunch ideas


I don’t know about you, but I could indulge in breakfast and brunch all day long, every day. But one of the best times for brunch is Christmas morning, or any time during the holidays, for that matter. And remember, if you’re feeding a crowd especially, it’s great to plan ahead to make your job a little easier. Be sure to also include your kids in the process! This is just one more lifeschooling opportunity.


Overnight Casseroles – These make a satisfying breakfast or brunch, while keeping your schedule simple. Here are ten, delicious and simple-to-follow recipes for sweet or savory casseroles. And of course, don’t be afraid to switch out ingredients and make substitutions for anything that doesn’t please your palette. Add some math practice for your kids by having them help you double (or triple) the recipe for a crowd, or for several mornings of breakfasts.

• Easy-to-Grab Food – Christmas morning is filled with enough chaos. You don’t need to also be thinking about what to eat! So, here’s a thought… Make a variety of finger foods the night before so that everyone can wake up and grab food as they will. This is especially nice if you have a large crowd to feed.

Muffins, individual quiches, oatmeal, cereals, donuts, and even toaster pastries are fine for Christmas brunch. If you want to show off your creativity, bake cinnamon rolls in a Christmas tree-shaped pan and add red, green, gold and silver sprinkles. Personally, I love Annie’s cinnamon rolls in a tube that I have recently discovered! This would also make this a great activity that your younger ones could be involved in.

• Christmas Ham or Turkey – A great, albeit unconventional way to use that ham or turkey in the days following Christmas is for breakfast. Set out some rolls, the spiralized ham or turkey pieces, chutney, and other toppings to enjoy with the meat. Everyone can make their own, making the work minimal for you. You could even set out a sandwich press or waffle iron to make hot sandwiches (or “wafflewhiches.” Ha!). A fruit tray (maybe even prepackaged from the grocery store) would be a nice addition to this simple buffet.

christmas brunch

Breakfast Quiche – Fast and filling for your crowd! Instead of (or in addition to) spinach, why not try some different additions like tomatoes and basil, or broccoli and onions (what I usually do). If you have a lot of people with different dietary needs at breakfast, you can also make a variety of mini-quiches. Note: To make things even easier, you can also buy prepared mini-quiches at Costco.

• Bread Pudding – Here’s a different option if you’re looking for something new. Usually you can start this the night before and then finish in the morning. Try this blueberry-pecan pancake bread pudding to cheer up your Christmas brunch breakfast.

• Go Out for Breakfast – That might seem strange, but why not? Believe it or not, many places are open on Christmas for brunch, and after all the cooking you will have done, you might want to opt for someone else to do the cooking! Call around to see what’s available in your area, but it can be fun to turn tradition on its ears by going out for breakfast and then maybe even go see a movie. Your older children can get some practice with phone skills and can also compare pricing and options from what they find.

• Don’t Forget the Punch – A great thing to make for your Christmas brunch is a fun special punch. Here are some great ideas for different types of Christmas punches. Some of these are pretty unique! And these tend to be simpler recipes for your less-experienced young cooks.

Whatever you make for your Christmas brunch and whomever you involve in the process, and whether you make it on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or even the day after, isn’t really what matters. Enjoying yummy food with people you love as you celebrate the birth of Jesus is the most important thing of all.

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