Do it Homemade and Make it a Crafty Christmas

Do it Homemade and Make it a Crafty Christmas

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in my Christmas savings hat..haha, yes I know that’s not how the song goes. But this time of year we start getting a little crazy when it comes to buying presents.

I don’t know about you but it seems like all the bills come due this time of year also🤔.

What’s a person to do? 

Do it homemade and make it a Crafty Christmas.

The benefits of making a gift handmade are awesome. Here are 4 reasons to do it homemade and make it a crafty Christmas.

1. Cheap or free. 

Yes, that’s right, many amazing gifts can be made from scraps of things lying around your house. I can think of several easy to make, and greatly appreciated gifts made from scraps. Herbal eye pillows, small patchwork quilts or wall hangings, placemats, tea cozies or baked potato bags are just a few ideas.  Cookies, breads or other homemade foods might cost you some but make excellent, cheap Christmas gifts!

Do it Homemade and Make it a Crafty Christmas

2. Custom quality. 

Today we have this problem with So.Much.Stuff.  But unfortunately a huge portion of it is simply throw away or use one time and you’re done quality. However, when you make a gift handmade you can make it the kind of quality that will be passed down to the next generation! 

Obviously you might not be able to make handmade quilts for everyone on your list (or you might, one of my friends did just that one year!) But whoever gets one will treasure it always. 

3. Customizable. 

This is definitely a perk to crafting. Have a sister who loves blue?  Knit her a blue scarf!  Have a daughter that wants a Strawberry Shortcake dress? Make her an adorable, modest one!  Have a family member who is gluten-free?  Make them a tasty treat sans the gluten!

Imagine what a wonderful lifeschooling lesson this can be.

4. One of a kind. 

Yes, handmade gifts really are one of a kind! Shows the recipient you really cared enough to take time for them.

As someone who has made dozens of quilts, I can attest that no two were exactly alike.

Here is a huge part of it. It does really show them that you thought they were special enough to take your limited time and make them something completely designed with them in mind. I think that means so much more than a dollar store trinket that will just collect dust!

The sky is the limit.

So, exactly what type of craft or handmade gift should you make for those special people in your life? 

Really, the sky is the limit!  Look on Pinterest and find literally thousands of ideas or just go simple and make baked goods for all the extra people on your list and more involved gifts like quilts, handmade clothes, scrapbooks, etc. for the extra special ones.

One of the benefits of lifeschooling is the ability to nurture our kids talents, and what better way, than creating special gifts for loved ones at Christmas. 

Whatever you choose to make, do be sure to put thought, love, and care into it. Your loved ones will treasure it and you’ll have great memories of this Christmas, where you didn’t break the bank, didn’t stress out over shopping and just made a crafty Christmas!

Jenny Underwood
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