The PERFECT Time to Grow Gardens and Kids

The PERFECT Time to Grow Gardens and Kids

So SPRING is right around the corner and I am SO excited! I absolutely adore spring. I’m turning somersaults just thinking about it. Ok just in my mind, I can’t imagine the bones that would break if I attempted a somersault. Anyway, I LOVE to plant and its the PERFECT time to grow gardens and kids!

Gardens and kids are so similar!

That almost sounds kinda funny but its completely true. I love everything about gardening but my favorite part is getting everything ready and planting. It’s so fun! Same with kids. The planning and getting ready part is so awesome.

The weed plucking part…hmmm…not so much. So we built raised beds to make fewer weeds and make it easier to pull them. The ground is softer and they’re easier to reach. We did the same with our kids. We chose to homeschool to lessen those nasty weeds and because they’re with us all the time we can pull them more easily and quickly.

I also get really impatient for my garden to produce and guess what? I do the same with my kids. In fact, sometimes I’m expecting instantaneous fruit from my children. I don’t want to wait for God’s light, our nurturing and time to produce the end result. I.Want.It.Now! (Sound like anyone you know?)

So SPRING is right around the corner and I am SO excited! I absolutely adore spring. I LOVE to plant and its the PERFECT time to grow gardens and kids!

Gardens produce more fruit when patiently tended and not neglected.

Its a fact. If you want an amazing garden you have to put in the time. A great garden WILL NOT grow from throwing some seeds in the dirt and walking away.

You have to tend it! Same with our precious kids. It may be tempting to think we can plant a few seeds of discipleship or character building and just walk away. But moms and dads that won’t grow a great garden. The enemy will send people to sow weeds and overcome your seeds. You’ve got to be a diligent gardener to grow gardens and kids.

Growing a garden is rewarding. Growing kids, is incredible.

I grow a garden every year. Some years my strawberries do phenomenal and sometimes my green beans fill the freezer. But you know what? Every year we consume ALL our crop! Poof, it’s gone! Our kids are eternal! What we invest in them is going to pay dividends not only in this life but the next! You can’t beat that kind of growing season.

So this Spring as you start to till your land or plant a salad spot think of your children. How are you tending them? Are you watering them well? Are you giving them the necessary nutrients for their souls to grow?

Remember if you want to reap a harvest you must not grow weary in well-doing! Stay strong Mamas!

Jenny Underwood
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