Category: Lifeschooling

How To Staycation on a Budget
How To Staycation on a Budget

I don’t know about you all but this year has us planning a vacation closer to home than perhaps we’d like. Things have gotten so CRAZY in our world, with mandatory masks many places, closings and other restrictions that traveling very far from home is not high on my list! But we’d still like to…

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A Route 66 Vacation for a Fun Trip Through History
A Route 66 Vacation for a Fun Trip Through History

Looking for an unusual vacation idea this summer? Why not plan a Route 66 vacation? Even if you can’t travel the whole Mother Road, driving sections of it can offer a new way to explore a piece of American history. A Bit of History This legendary highway went through eight states, starting in Chicago and…

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Tips and Deals for Saving Money
Tips and Deals for Saving Money

I don’t know about you, but I’m really feeling the need to reign in my spending and do a better job with budgeting and saving money! I am not a numbers or details girl and sometimes it gets me into trouble. But of course, that’s no excuse to quit trying. And God is so gracious…

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Considering Lifeschooling High School?
Considering Lifeschooling High School?

Are you considering homeschooling high school next year? What a marvelous opportunity you have! Of course, you might not feel like this is an opportunity. If you have unexpectedly been at home with your teenagers during this pandemic season, you may certainly be frustrated at how things have gone or are going, and somewhat fearful…

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Cleaning up the 'homeschool house'
Cleaning up the ‘homeschool house’

Cleaning out… Decluttering… Organizing… Ugh…are those the kind of words that just make you cringe? If you’ve been spending any amount of time homeschooling, you may find yourself up to your whiteboard in, well, stuff. Papers, and projects, and supplies – oh my! You may find yourself already wrapping up your homeschool year. (In the…

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How to Create Routines with Lots of Little Ones
How to Create Routines with Lots of Little Ones

So, you’re a homeschooling mom of lots of little ones and you’re struggling to keep up. Maybe you need a routine! Keep reading to find out practical steps to establish a routine to get your sanity back! Routine versus schedule… What’s the difference between a schedule and a routine? A schedule is super structured and…

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Lifeschooling Lessons in Love Through COVID-19
Lifeschooling Lessons in Love Through COVID-19

Lifeschooling Lessons in Love Through COVID-19 This time in our world is certainly not an easy one. And I’ve shared in another post a bit about lifeschooling through COVID-19, But this time, I want to share a bit of my heart with you and what the Lord has been teaching me. Maybe He’s been teaching…

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How to Deal with Life Happening
How to Deal with Life Happening

We’ve been blindsided these last few months since the outbreak of Covid-19. As a nation, as communities, as families. Our churches shut their doors and though the online activity of religious organizations has skyrocketed, there is something missing in the communion of the saints face-to-face. I am overweight and exhausted at six months pregnant, my…

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The Most Important Lesson You Can Teach
The Most Important Lesson You Can Teach

When my husband was young, he was inspired to ask for wisdom by this verse.   If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. – James 1:5, ESV   The thought that he could just pray and ask for wisdom…

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There's More to Education Than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic
There’s More to Education Than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

As lifeschoolers, we understand that there is more to a child’s education than reading, writing, and arithmetic. A child’s secular education is an important thing, but at least in our family, even more important than secular learning is the learning of life skills. Okay, spiritual education is the number one priority, but after that, life…

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