Category: Spiritual Lessons

Lifeschooling Lessons from a Weekend of Heartbreak

We buried our beloved dog today.   And two other puppies, also. It’s been a rough weekend.   I had such plans for the weekend…and they didn’t include the discovery of a nearly-dead puppy Saturday morning, rushing to the vet, thwarted by stand-still traffic, puppy finally dying on the vet’s table. My plans did not…

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picture of mom and daughter in a field at sunset
Things I Learned on our Girls Weekend

As those of you who follow my podcast already know, my year started off very intentionally with a two-week fast, seeking God’s direction for our family. And direct He did! I felt a strong sense that I needed to pull back and refocus on my family, as it is so easy for me to become…

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Gifts, Not Trophies

Do you know the difference between a gift and a trophy? A gift is something a person gives to another person out of love. It is not earned, but received with humility and gratefulness. A trophy, however, is earned by merit. It gives the receiver “bragging rights” and is put up on the mantel over…

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The Foundational Question at the Heart of All Questions

  The next time you find yourself searching for answers to a homeschool dilemma you are having, ask yourself this question…   Self-evaluation is a good thing. It helps us become more aware of how others see us and to grow as people. The other day I was doing a little self-evaluation, which led me…

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Article: How Would Jesus Teach

So often we forget to look to the greatest example for direction on all areas of life. Jesus was the Great Teacher. So, just how did He teach? His methods were a lot simpler than ours! How Would Jesus Teach

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Article: Are We Starving the Hearts of Our Children?

  A friend sent this article to me and I wanted to share it with you, as it is part of the heart of this conference. Our children need time to be children! They need time to experience life, to take it all in. If we are not intentional about putting margin into our lives…

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