Category: Lifeschooling

Lifeschooling Lessons from a Weekend of Heartbreak

We buried our beloved dog today.   And two other puppies, also. It’s been a rough weekend.   I had such plans for the weekend…and they didn’t include the discovery of a nearly-dead puppy Saturday morning, rushing to the vet, thwarted by stand-still traffic, puppy finally dying on the vet’s table. My plans did not…

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The Power of a Label

This weekend, I have the wonderful privilege of again speaking at the NCHE Thrive! Conference in Winston-Salem, NC. Last year was my first year and I so enjoyed sharing the vision of Lifeschooling that the Lord has put on my heart.   So as I filled out this year’s application and contemplated the topic, I…

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A Blogger Retreat and the Aspect of Mission in Lifeschooling

I often ask guests of my podcast, Life as a Lifeschooler, which part of the definition of lifeschooling particularly resonates with them, but when I try to answer that same question, I find it very difficult. However, one aspect of lifeschooling that I feel is sometimes overlooked is the very last word: “mission.”   Lifeschooling…

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Beat Homeschool Burnout with Lifeschooling

Have you heard of lifeschooling and do you know why it is so revolutionary in our current homeschooling environment? Do you long for more time and less stress in your homeschool? Do you feel that school must be done, regardless of anything else that goes on in the home? Do you feel you must complete…

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The Danger of Labels

What is it with our culture’s obsessive need to label and compartmentalize everything in our lives, including our children? Perhaps I am treading into controversial territory here, but I feel I must. Our children are being labeled and drugged daily by well-meaning parents and money-driven pharmaceutical companies. The following article has sent me on a…

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Gifts, Not Trophies

Do you know the difference between a gift and a trophy? A gift is something a person gives to another person out of love. It is not earned, but received with humility and gratefulness. A trophy, however, is earned by merit. It gives the receiver “bragging rights” and is put up on the mantel over…

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A Lifeschooling Testimony from the Robinsons

  Last year, John and Jennifer Robinson attended the Lifeschooling Conference as brand new homeschoolers, about to embark on this wonderful adventure! I remember their excitement well, so I was so encouraged and happy when they came to me recently and said, “We just have to share our story of what God has done in…

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Article: How not to train your children: Protest the reigning president on a national holiday

Rhea Perry, one of last year’s most popular conference speakers, will be speaking again at this year’s Lifeschooling Conference. I wanted to share one of her recent blog posts, as I believe it is such a needed message for our country right now. How not to train your children: Protest the reigning president on a…

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lifeschooling you economy entrepreneurship
Lifeschooling and the YouEconomy

Have you heard of the YouEconomy? You may have ever heard the term, but if you’ve been paying any attention, you’ve certainly noticed a change taking place in our economy. I certainly have. In fact, it’s a big part of why I believe so strongly in the philosophy of lifeschooling. Lifeschooling dovetails so perfectly into…

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Article: Homeschooling Held Hostage

This ranks right up there as one of my favorite blog posts on this topic. Oh, how we need more modern homeschoolers to embrace LIFEschooling! Homeschooling Held Hostage

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