Category: All Posts

I Run an Early Childhood Development Center
I Run an Early Childhood Development Center

So my title may be a little tongue in cheek here, but hear me out. All the hype these days starts them earlier, teach them more and you need a specialized place to do that. Children are beginning “preschool” or “early childhood development centers” sooner than ever before. This supposedly accelerates their learning and puts…

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What's on your book list?
What’s on your book list?

I like books, and I love book lists. In our homeschool, I try to encourage a love of reading in my children. At least one of my kiddos has latched on to reading whole-heartedly; he’d rather read than just about anything else in the world. He’s my obstinate student who is several years behind in…

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The Middle School Monster
The Middle School Monster

There’s this thing that homeschool moms never talk about. It’s called the middle school monster, and if you aren’t prepared for it – like I wasn’t – you may beat yourself up thinking it’s your fault. I LOVE my children! Truly I do! And I’m not on board the bus full of moms who are…

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Simple Finances for Kids
Simple Finances for Kids

When it comes to finances, we always think that that is for adults and as parents, we tend to push this behind and focus more on academics when kids are young rather than on finances. Teaching kids about finances is not as easy as 123 and at times can be overwhelming. So how do we…

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Lifeschooling + Entrepreneurship
Lifeschooling + Entrepreneurship

I realized early on that the traditional employment path wasn’t for me. I tried and tried again to make regular employment a part of my way of living, but no matter how hard I tried to fit in I often left feeling this is not for me. And I honestly, wondered if something was wrong…

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Purposeful Homeschooling
Purposeful Homeschooling

Lifeschooling encourages character, connection, curiosity, and creativity Once upon a time, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Lots of books and summers off sounded like a good plan. More than that, I had had a series of bad experiences in public school and I wanted to make a difference somehow. I…

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How to Foster Independence While Lifeschooling
How to Foster Independence While Lifeschooling

I lived on scarce amounts of sleep, homeschooled from an old worn-out glider, and nursed a child ninety times a day. Okay maybe not ninety, but it sure felt like it all that time! This was my life. I was the mom of a middle schooler, kindergartener, and newborn. As we stumbled through that year…

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Experiencing Life Through Roadschooling
Experiencing Life Through Roadschooling

As a family, we’ve been roadschooling and learning through experiences since 2016. We’ve traveled from the east coast to the west coast and back again. We’ve visited or stayed in over 30 states so far, taking our home and homeschool with us. We learn through real-life experiences whenever possible. With one of our particular dreams…

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Lifeschooling Off The Grid
Lifeschooling Off The Grid

When we moved from the Toronto suburbs to an off the grid home in Canada’s Northwest Territories in 2012, my husband and I knew we wanted to homestead and homeschool. At the time we had five mostly-grown children out on their own, and one young daughter still at home. By the summer of 2013, our…

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Lifeschooling Through the Challenges of Pregnancy and Postpartum
Lifeschooling Through the Challenges of Pregnancy and Postpartum

Awaiting the birth of a child is a sacred and special time. This idea can be lost or pushed to the side when you have other children to care for. It can be especially difficult to remember when you are trying to check off boxes and meet the standards set by society, school officials and…

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