Category: All Posts

The Foundational Question at the Heart of All Questions

  The next time you find yourself searching for answers to a homeschool dilemma you are having, ask yourself this question…   Self-evaluation is a good thing. It helps us become more aware of how others see us and to grow as people. The other day I was doing a little self-evaluation, which led me…

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Article: Homeschooling Held Hostage

This ranks right up there as one of my favorite blog posts on this topic. Oh, how we need more modern homeschoolers to embrace LIFEschooling! Homeschooling Held Hostage

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picture of father and son working on a bird house
What is Lifeschooling?

What is Lifeschooling?   I’ve been lifeschooling (AKA homeschooling) for 15 years (as of 2016 when this was written). Well, 15 if you think of homeschooling in the way that I do. 15 years if you consider day 1 of your child’s life as the beginning of his or her homeschooling. But over the past 15…

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Why Lifeschooling is not Unschooling

Why Lifeschooling is not Unschooling The mission statement of our Lifeschooling Conference reads as follows: Lifeschooling is the process of discovering your child’s God-given gifts and talents through real life experiences that happen within the context of your family’s unique situations and missions. Lifeschooling is the freedom to educate as God calls you to, not…

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Article: Are you Anointed for Your Assignment?

When you fully understand the idea that God has created each child as an individual, with a specific and unique purpose for His Kingdom, it will change the way you educate! Article: Are you Anointed for Your Assignment?

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Article: Are School Subjects Really Necessary?

There are some wonderful and thought-provoking ideas here! And I will be the first to say that no, school subjects are NOT necessary. In lifeschooling, we find those areas of interest that fit with out lives and our children’s specific gifts. And those things are usually not strictly divided out into neat little subjects. Article:…

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Article: Avoiding Burnout in Homeschooling

Burnout. It’s the dreaded word among homeschoolers and there have probably been more articles written about this seemingly inevitable experience than any other homeschooling topic. Israel Wayne’s perspective on this issue is refreshing and filled with wisdom. We are looking forward to gleaning even more wisdom from him in person at the Lifeschooling Conference! Avoiding…

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Article: Raising an Autodidact on Purpose

Here are some simple steps to raising children who are eager and excited lifelong learners! Raising an Autodidact on Purpose

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Article: 11 Ways Finland’s Education System Shows Us that “Less is More.”

What would happen if American schools stopped assigning homework? Or if children had the same elementary school teacher for six years in a row? What if class periods were longer (to allow more time on a topic) and the school days shorter with more breaks for stretching and contemplating? Besides looking a lot more like homeschooling,…

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Don’t Make Them Wait Until 40

I turned 39 last month. Only one year from now I will have officially reached “middle age.” And finally, FINALLY, I feel I’ve discovered who God made me to be. I feel like I’ve found myself. I feel like everything in my life has been leading me to this first Lifeschooling Conference. The hand of God…

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