Archives: Speakers

Vicki Bentley
Vicki Bentley Biography VICKI BENTLEY is the mother of eight daughters, foster mom of over fifty, and grandma to 23 wonderful grandbabies and four great-grandbabies (so far). Vicki has homeschooled 17 children since 1988, alongside her husband Jim, and has been a support group leader since 1991. She has served on the executive board and...
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Speaker Headshot - Ana Willis
Ana Willis


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Craig Thompson
Craig Thompson Biography CRAIG THOMPSON (B.A., M.Div.) resides in Cleveland, TN where he wears many hats.  He has spoken to audiences and groups across five continents on a variety of topics including leadership training, biblical knowledge and family life.  His current focus involves mentoring and life development for the next generations.  In 2010, Craig pioneered...
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Hal & Melanie Young
Hal & Melanie Young Biography HAL & MELANIE YOUNG are the award-winning authors of Raising Real Men, My Beloved and My Friend: How to Be Married to Your Best Friend Without Changing Spouses, and several other books. They are publishers, writers, bloggers, and popular conference speakers internationally, known for their Christ-centered focus and practical, real-life...
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Todd Wilson


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Speaker Headshot - Israel Wayne
Israel Wayne
Israel Wayne Biography ISRAEL WAYNE, regular conference speaker and author of numerous books, joins me on the show to discuss lifeschooling and the homeschooling movement in general. Having been involved in the movement since its inception, Israel has a unique perspective that is always enlightening. His personal stories will be an encouragement to other parents,...
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Speaker Headshot - Kathie Morrissey
Kathie Morrissey
Kathie Morrissey Biography KATHIE MORRISSEY is the mother of 8 children, wife to Alan for 40 years, and a committed homeschooling mom of 31 years. She is the founder of The Character Corner, where she loves to blog about parenting, family life, homeschooling, and life in general. Kathie is the author of two popular character...
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Speaker Headshot - Tricia Soderstrom
Tricia Soderstrom
Tricia Soderstrom Biography The most difficult time of Tricia’s homeschooling journey was when she and her entire family were all very sick with Lyme disease & other tick-borne infections. She had to let go of her expectations, change how she educated her children and trust God with every aspect of their lives. Tricia has been...
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Speaker Headshot - Durenda Wilson
Durenda Wilson


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Joann Nabb


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