Author: admin

About admin

Danielle Papageorgiou has been homeschooling, or “lifeschooling,” for 21 years (she counts birth as day 1!) and has blogged, spoken, and run her own conference for many of those years. She has a passion for helping other homeschoolers learn how to homeschool in a way that does not compete with family life, but actually enhances it…homeschooling done in a spirit of freedom, not legalism.
Giving Thanks for Conflict
Giving Thanks for Conflict?

  “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thess. 5:18   Something very interesting jumped out at me when I read this passage. Here is the verse in context:   “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing….

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Follow the Divine Arborist

I am a perfectionist. And I am married to a perfectionist. And we are raising three perfectionist children. Perfectionism leads to high expectations, which leads, in turn, to frustration and disappointment when the expectations go unmet (which, in this imperfect world filled with imperfect people, is often). In fact, my friend has a saying that…

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Letter to a New Lifeschooler

If there is one thing I could talk hours about, it’s homeschooling/lifeschooling! It’s a topic that never gets old to me and I absolutely love expounding on all the benefits and helping newbies break out of their preconceived ideas about education. So it was such a blessing to me when the topic of homeschooling came…

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Lifeschooling Lessons from a Weekend of Heartbreak

We buried our beloved dog today.   And two other puppies, also. It’s been a rough weekend.   I had such plans for the weekend…and they didn’t include the discovery of a nearly-dead puppy Saturday morning, rushing to the vet, thwarted by stand-still traffic, puppy finally dying on the vet’s table. My plans did not…

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The Power of a Label

This weekend, I have the wonderful privilege of again speaking at the NCHE Thrive! Conference in Winston-Salem, NC. Last year was my first year and I so enjoyed sharing the vision of Lifeschooling that the Lord has put on my heart.   So as I filled out this year’s application and contemplated the topic, I…

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A Blogger Retreat and the Aspect of Mission in Lifeschooling

I often ask guests of my podcast, Life as a Lifeschooler, which part of the definition of lifeschooling particularly resonates with them, but when I try to answer that same question, I find it very difficult. However, one aspect of lifeschooling that I feel is sometimes overlooked is the very last word: “mission.”   Lifeschooling…

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picture of mom and daughter in a field at sunset
Things I Learned on our Girls Weekend

As those of you who follow my podcast already know, my year started off very intentionally with a two-week fast, seeking God’s direction for our family. And direct He did! I felt a strong sense that I needed to pull back and refocus on my family, as it is so easy for me to become…

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Don’t Mess with Mama Bear

  “You don’t mess with Mama Bear.” I’m not sure if there’s an equivalent analogy or saying for “Papas,” but I’ve recently had some time to ponder those Mama Bear tendencies that many of us moms experience on occasion. I think in times past, I could see my tender emotions towards my children as somewhat…

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Beat Homeschool Burnout with Lifeschooling

Have you heard of lifeschooling and do you know why it is so revolutionary in our current homeschooling environment? Do you long for more time and less stress in your homeschool? Do you feel that school must be done, regardless of anything else that goes on in the home? Do you feel you must complete…

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The Danger of Labels

What is it with our culture’s obsessive need to label and compartmentalize everything in our lives, including our children? Perhaps I am treading into controversial territory here, but I feel I must. Our children are being labeled and drugged daily by well-meaning parents and money-driven pharmaceutical companies. The following article has sent me on a…

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