Have Danielle Speak

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Danielle Papageorgiou has homeschooled since 2001, graduating two of her three children, and has spoken regularly since 2017 at the NC state homeschool convention (NCHE), as well as the Teach Them Diligently conference (2025), and online conferences featuring Kirk Cameron, Sam Sorbo, and Heidi St. John. She has also run and spoken at her own events (the Lifeschooling Conference), as well as hosted a podcast (Life as a Lifeschooler), giving her much experience in the area of public speaking.

Past Speaking Engagements

Click on any of the events or podcasts below to see more details or to hear podcast episodes.


Danielle has a variety of topics available or can prepare a talk according to your needs. Below are some presentations she has given in the past. If you would like to request a recording of any of the presentaions, please contact us through the Contact page.



5 Lifeschooling Hacks (+1 Big Secret) to Conquer Homeschool Burnout – Your schedule is laid out and today is going to be different! As you jump out of bed, you are ready to tackle the world! But two hours later, after the breakfast burns, the dog has another accident on the carpet, and the toddler slams his fingers in the door, the morning is half over and you wonder where those plans went! Another day is wasted. Can you really homeschool? This is real life, and homeschoolers are not immune just because we have a schedule and a school room! In this session, I will show you five practical ways that I have learned to “merge life with homeschooling.”



6 Foundational Keys to Raising Children Who Love God – Every good Christian parent wants to raise children who are successful leaders and positioned for great accomplishments. However, many parents don’t realize just how crucial the spiritual development of their children is to that future success. Even those who would agree to its importance often get caught up in the world’s methods of training for success and forget that God’s methods are completely upside down from the world’s! God’s methods for success start with one thing: Love for Him. But how do we raise children who love God? Learn the 6 keys in this workshop.



Academics as a Relationship – In this presentation, we will explore how our attitude toward academics influences our children’s attitude. If we want to teach them to love learning, then can we really treat learning as a chore, something to be highly scheduled, controlled, and managed? Or should we rather treat it as we would any other relationship…something to be nurtured, treasured, and explored as it is naturally opened up and revealed to us in everyday life?



Fasting for Focus – Before you plan your year, wouldn’t it make sense to find out what God thinks about your plans? You don’t need to be a spiritual giant to go on a fast! Last year, I started the year with a one-week water fast and God worked in my heart to change and refine my direction in ways I don’t think He otherwise could have. I will share with you ideas and tips for going on a fast to refine your focus and plan your year.



How Fasting Changed our Lives (and How it Can Change Yours, too) – In 2018, our daughter was struggling with many issues including tormenting thoughts, depression, and anxiety, and I had no idea where to turn except God! Through the experience of prayer and fasting, we saw God change her life and I was once again reminded of the importance of this much-neglected spiritual discipline. In this talk, we will discuss 6 reasons why fasting is important and some practical tips to help you learn how to fast in a way that will honor God and work for you.



How to Lifeschool: Merging Your Master Plan with the Master’s Plan – There are two types of homeschool moms: those who throw out the schedule in the first three weeks and wing it daily, and those who stick with it like the 10 Commandments. But what if there was a way to balance the tendency to these two extremes? With Lifeschooling, we want to seek the Master Planner, not our own master plans. In this talk, we will discuss the practical aspects, or “how-tos,” of Lifeschooling so you can plan your best year yet, with God’s direction!


How to NOT Get it All Done – Do you ever feel like no matter how many talks you hear about scheduling, using your time wisely, and accomplishing more, you never can seem to finish the to-do list? In this talk, I will to teach you “How to NOT Get It All Done.” 😉 It sounds silly, doesn’t it? But there’s a mindset shift we all need to learn to master, even if we can’t quite master the to-do list. Too many of us feel overwhelmed with life, beating ourselves up when we don’t get the “to-do” list done every day. But this talk will not only encourage you but also give you some practical tips for dealing with the inevitability of NOT getting it all done!



Lifeschooling: The Answer to Homeschool Burnout – Have you heard of lifeschooling and do you know why it is so revolutionary in our current homeschooling environment? Do you long for more time and less stress in your homeschool? As homeschooling has become much more popular, we see more and more families (not just moms!) suffering from homeschool burnout. As a movement, we have slowly lost the wisdom of the pioneers. Danielle will explain the philosophy of lifeschooling, which is really just a fresh label for a returning to the ancient paths (Jeremiah 6:16).



Lifeschooling for the YouEconomy – The world has changed since we started out our careers. More and more people are working remotely or bringing in an income through multiple freelancing opportunities, and in many ways, entrepreneurship is easier than it’s ever been! But the problem is, the educational system, including homeschooling, has not adapted to fit this new model of livelihood. Most children still follow the same educational path that generations before them have and are not being truly prepared. Find out how lifeschooling can help your children become equipped for the YouEconomy!



Raising Missions-Minded Children – A heart for missions and ministry in our children doesn’t just happen; if we want them to have an eternal perspective, we must be intentional about it! We will lay a foundation for why raising children wiht a heart for missions and ministry is important, and then we will discuss five practical tips for raising Kingdom-focused children who will change the world for Jesus! (This podcast episode is based on this presentation.)



The Power of a Label – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” You hold more power over your children’s futures than you may even know. In this presentation, we talk about the Power of a Label, particularly with respect to the educational labels such as “learning disabled,” “ADHD,” “gifted,” etc., but we will also talk about our speech and labeling in a general sense… “smart, lazy, undisciplined, etc.”. We all use labels in our homeschools to some extent and my goal is not to convince you to avoid them or that they are all inherently evil. This talk is to convince you of the power of a label. How you handle that power with the Lord’s guidance is up to you.



What is Lifeschooling? – “Lifeschooling is the individualized process of discovering your child’s God-given gifts and talents primarily through real life experiences that happen within the context of your family’s unique situations and missions.” In this presentation, we will break down the definition of lifeschooling and talk about what it is, as well as what it isn’t so you can eliminate fear and experience true freedom in your homeschool!


Life as a Lifeschooler podcast episode with Sam Sorbo

More about Danielle

Danielle has a passion for helping other homeschoolers learn how to homeschool in a way that does not compete with family life but actually enhances it—homeschooling done in a spirit of freedom, not legalism.

Her desire is to see more families set free from the world’s expectations of what education is and to discover that God has made each family unique and has also placed in each of their children special gifts and desires that He wants to use.

The verse that guides the Papageorgious in their pursuit of lifeschooling is Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

In addition to 20+ years of homeschooling experience, Danielle also has a background in art and design, graduating with a BA in 3-D Art, with a psychology minor (heavy emphasis on Biblical counseling) from Bob Jones University in 1999. She has also been a Christian for 42 years and has extensive Bible training and knowledge. She is able to speak on any of these topics, as well.

Learn more about Danielle here.

picture of Danielle Papageorgiou

What homeschool families are saying...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I  really appreciate all that you do, It is such a blessing to me.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, and make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.


Oooh my goodness what a blessing you are and this conference has been thus far.  It has literally been life-giving! Even with the mishaps and technical difficulties, it’s been soooo good. As a wedding planner, I totally get the expectations, disappointments, mishaps and the GREAT rewards with planning such monumental events. Thank you so much for the redos, extensions, freebies and more importantly the time, energy, and effort put into this. You’re a blessing to me and to many! 💜PS I can’t wait to drive in and listen some more.

Stephanie AnnMassé Williams

This is my first exposure to “life schooling” I think I worried it was more unschooling and any comments I made would seem like we had been to formal with our kid’s assignments. I feel very encouraged that the balance we sought was the right track.
And I’m so excited how grounded in the Word everyone is encouraging each other to be!!! 

Cheryl Powell

Loving the affirmation that teaching from rest, learning from and with my kids, and pointing us to Christ as a family is the best way to grow world-changers. 😍 

Sarah Peloquin

I LOVE the recurrence in all of the sessions of living out our walk with Christ Jesus in front of our kids…that school revolves around family, not family around school; the recurrence of character development of our children. 

Karen Goff Ford

I am loving all that I am finding. We have been a homeschool family for more than 20 years, and have never felt that worksheets, textbooks are the way to go. THIS, Lifeschooling, is it!!! And I found your conference right when I was contiplating cyber school for some personal health reasons. The Lord definitely directed me to you!! Thank you!!!!!❤️🙏 

Dan and Wendy Cole

I’m so excited to find Lifeschooling! I have always wanted to homeschool like this but knew that unschooling was too lax for us. I’m so glad to find that lifeschooling is a mix of unschooling with delight-directed learning, but has room for a little more structure. 

Paige Talley

My favorite thing is that this conference exists! I feel like we’ve done a lot of lifeschooling over the years and have wondered if we’ve been doing enough. I’m very encouraged to hear from others who’ve gone before me.

I’m taking this whole day to go through these sessions. I am taking so much from them to share with families here that are struggling. The lies that our society and government has put on our lives is really incredible. We must stay strong and all of us who are watching these sessions are now responsible to share what we’ve learned. I told David that this is my prep for battle! 

Amylynn Williams

This conference, swag bag, everything has been such a blessing. I’m not even done with all the videos yet and I am learning so much. I feel affirmed in our decision and I’ve also started following the blogs of the amazing presentations 

Meaghan Jackson

For more information or to request a recording, please reach out!

Email us at: info @ lifeschoolingconference dot com

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