Rhea Perry

Speaker Headshot - Rhea Perry

Rhea Perry



RHEA (pronounced Ray) PERRY has educated 7 children since 1987. She was called the Community Queen when she started an online home business with a Yahoo! Group in 2002 and started helping others build membership sites. She’s also been called the Mark Victor Hansen of the home school world because of her love of motivating others to think creatively and become entrepreneurs.

As a stay-at-home mom, her main goal in life is to encourage women to become the best homemakers they can be. She believes that includes helping their children discover their gifts and find their calling in life as early as possible. The family should also support the children until they enter their own personal journey on the road to financial security.

Yet how can we do that when we haven’t been educated or trained? We find ourselves learning as we are doing it with them. Sometimes we feel like the burden is too heavy. That’s why Rhea created a community called Educating for Success so those on this journey can encourage each other and share secrets along the way.

Whether you desire to have a job or a home business for your children or yourself, the greatest country that has ever existed economically – America – offers unlimited opportunities, especially since the Internet has changed the rules.

How can we fail when God is for us and desires to help each of us fulfill the purpose He put us here to achieve?

Educating For Success

EducatingforSuccess.com is a community of like-minded homeschooling families throughout the world educating their children to serve God and mankind with their specific talents and skills while building financial freedom. EFS offers home business courses, contests with cash prizes, live conferences and retreats, mentoring programs and a closed Facebook group for daily interaction, all designed to support families and individuals. Don’t wait until your children have graduated from college to start training them to make a difference in the world and build financial freedom. If you’re concerned about the future of our young people, don’t miss these workshops, especially if you have a strong-willed student or two.


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