Joann Nabb

Speaker Headshot - Joann Nabb

Joann Nabb


JOANN NABB has been married for 40 years to Paul, and they have 6 adult children, who have been home-schooled their entire lives. We began our journey in 1985 and have enjoyed the trip thoroughly. Back in the Stone Age, there were few resources and many critics. We learned to be very creative. Drawing from my experience as a private school teacher and my years growing up in Holland and Switzerland, I was able to piece together my children’s education, making it hands-on and fun whenever possible. Taking advantage of the less stringent homeschooling schedule, we were able to take field trips, a few even to France and other parts of Europe for several 3-6 month stays on a true shoestring.

Many of my students have won national gold or silver medals for French. Today, my husband and I have a son who is a marine JAG, a son who is an army reservist and police detective, a daughter who is a teacher, a son who is a nurse, a daughter who studied exercise science and works at a church, and a son attending NC State in Industrial Design. We are very blessed.

“Creating a Love of Learning in the Early Years”

Homeschooling is widely accepted with many resources available. Choosing curriculum can be overwhelming to those who are just embarking on this journey. My goal is to encourage parents to make learning fun and educative all at the same time. I hope this will help new homeschoolers who may not feel creative at the outset or those who have been doing it for a while and need a creativity boost after a year or two. Much of what can be taught in the early years does not require a formal curriculum. Creative ideas will be shared; there will be suggestions on parenting books, read-aloud books, games, age-appropriate field trips, and more.


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