Hal & Melanie Young

Hal & Melanie Young


HAL & MELANIE YOUNG are the award-winning authors of Raising Real Men, My Beloved and My Friend: How to Be Married to Your Best Friend Without Changing Spouses, and several other books. They are publishers, writers, bloggers, and popular conference speakers internationally, known for their Christ-centered focus and practical, real-life stories. They are the parents of six real boys (four grown!) and two real girls and live in noisy, messy happiness in North Carolina.

“Young Hands in Business and Ministry”

We were created to work and produce, and your kids can become part of that mission much younger than you’d expect. Our children have been integral to our ministry and business team from the very beginning, and they’ve learned ongoing life lessons from the experience – several have found open doors and career opportunities from the skills and connections they’ve made. Hear how you can incorporate your children into your life and business and give them a  great preparation for adulthood!

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