Know you need a plan...
but can’t ever seem to make one work?

The Lifeschooling Vision Planner is the perfect planner for non-planner, Type B personalities!

gray and green spiral-bound vision planner

Do homeschool planners totally overwhelm you?

Do you have 342 of them sitting on various shelves throughout your house, collecting dust bunnies as you think,

“But I might try it again someday..."

"It’s so detailed and organized and I know I should be using it.”

"But I paid a lot of money for that one! I can't just throw it away!"

guy sitting in front of a wall of old books with a book hiding his face

Are you a type B personality?

Do planners feel too rigid and confining?

Do you feel panicked every time you open those pages with alllll those lines, boxes, dates, agendas, and expectations staring you in the face?

overwhelmed woman with coffee cup trying to plan

Do you feel a sense of overwhelm, thinking you have to...

yellow sticky notes with "everything" written on them and a red sticky note in the middle that says "to do."

...while meanwhile, you are frozen in analysis paralysis while your kids “radically unschool” for the seventh straight week of the year?

Ah, welcome to my brain, friend.

woman with "out of order" written in tape across her forehead.

In the words of Anne of Green Gables, we are “kindred spirits”!

This was totally me. I would start a planner for myself or for my kids, only for it to end up in the bottom of a pile somewhere in the dark recesses of my homeschool room.

And then we would descend into “winging it” on a daily basis until meal time became “Food Science 101” and playing with Legos became “Beginning Architectural Design.”

Sure, there’s a place for that in life, too. We Type B personalities know this best!

And I won’t tell you I don’t still see Legos as an educational opportunity and lunch time as another learning time. Lifeschooling takes advantage of these interests and necessary daily interruptions.

After all, learning IS always happening!

But still, if there’s at least no general map, we could end up south when we intended to head north!
Completely lost and confused!

I can’t tell you how often I woke up late on a Monday morning, discouraged and frustrated with myself for once again running from my planner over the weekend and having to throw some kind of learning plan together as I simultaneously burned my breakfast and scribbled out another rudimentary “to do” list on the back of a receipt for a child who was already deeply enthralled in video games.

“Oh no!” I’d think, “My child will never be self-disciplined and we’ll be stuck in 3rd grade math books when he’s 15!”

You know the story. Because if you’ve read this far, it’s probably yours, too!

But my story changed one day.

It changed when I finally decided to create a planner that gelled with my crazy brain. A planner that would not try to rudely control every area of my life and corral this creative soul into rigid compliance.

This would be a planner that would respect my individual quirks and limitations. A planner that was grace-based and fully of flexibility.

And more than that, this would be a planner that would respect my kids’ individuality and God-given gifts, and help me hone and refine them so they could become experts in one or two fields before graduation, setting them apart from their peers.

This would be a planner that would give me an exciting overall vision and purpose in the everyday mundane tasks and help me to see them as part of the molding process rather than simply following someone else’s boxes to check.

I wanted to create a planner that would be a true “lifeschooling” planner because lifeschooling has worked for us!

Did you know if you are modeling your homeschool after the traditional school model, your kids are only retaining up to 30% of what they learn?

That's why lifeschooling is so important! Learning through real life experiences, "when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deut. 11:19) is not only more enjoyable, but it is also more effective! Interactive methods help your children retain up to 90% of what they learn!

There was nothing like that out there—a planner that focused on refining our children’s gifts. Or at least nothing that I had tried.

And I had tried a lot!

This planner would need to help me and other homeschool moms (because if this was something I needed, then I knew others needed it, as well) really cast a vision for what we wanted the “finished product”—our children—to look like.

After all, if we are homeschooling, we don’t have to do things “like everyone else”! That’s the whole point, isn’t it? Decide where we want our children to end up and working backwards from there. Who says they all have to have the same standardized buckets of (often useless) knowledge put into them, anyway?

So that’s what I did. I created a planner that helped me observe and draw out the gifts God had put into my children. I made a planner that had space to dream about and visualize the future from a bird’s eye view, while also organizing the daily, nitty-gritty stuff.

And like I said, it worked for us!

We have successfully raised two children to adulthood and watched them excel in their interests and become “hire-able” experts. Our oldest son became an expert in the field of I.T., landing a job shortly after high school and then quickly accelerating to a new position in another company at twice his original salary!

Our daughter is an expert in her field of art, has acted in a number of films and productions, including the Kendrick’s pro-life movie called “Lifemark,” and also wrote a novel at the age of 13.

Lifeschooling has worked for us. And for a long time the Vision Planner worked great...

BUT, my planner wasn’t perfect. Using it on a year-to-year basis was difficult, as it lacked some flexibility in the way I had laid it out.

And since I’m also a perfectionist, that had to change. I put hours of work into tweaking and refining it, separating out the detailed guide from the planner pages so it can more easily be printed from year to year, and adding cover sheets for each child’s planner.

My amazing Vision Planner is now the Vision Planner and Vision Planner Guide.

Friend, here's your map to freedom and simplicity.
vision planner sitting on a map

Now that it's updated, I’m back to using it again with our youngest and looooving it!!

And everyone who had purchased the planner the first time will get this update for free! Because that’s how I roll, folks. I want to always make sure my people get all my updates for free!

The Lifeschooling Vision Planner will help you...

Embrace freedom and God's grace in your homeschool!

The Lifeschooling Vision Planner includes...

20+ page "book" within planner

Way more than a simple fill-able planner! Be encouraged and inspired to lifeschool.

Fill-able forms and worksheets

"Recognizing Who We Are," "Preliminary Mental Work," "My profile," "child profile," and "Family Profile," and MORE!

Resources Log

From books to videos, document and track all the resources you own so you have a handy reference for moments of inspiration!

Book recommendations

Further your learning and practice of lifeschooling.

...and more!
The main goal here is to point you back to God's grace.

This planner has worked great for our family, but only so far as it has kept our focus on turning to Him for guidance and revelation. No planner is perfect, but I believe this planner's focus on God's direction sets it apart from most others.

God's grace is the key to our success!

mom and child baking with the vision planner sitting on the counter
So... What does relief from your "scheduling overwhelm" cost?

How much will you pay to STOP the overwhelm and start lifeschooling TODAY?

Total value with bonuses: $41+

Regular price: $34

Special Price $29
Vision Planner Testimonials
gray and green spiral-bound vision planner

Lifeschooling Vision Planner

My goal with the Lifeschooling Vision Planner is to give parents (myself included) a concrete tool to help us seek the Lord’s direction for the lives of our children. But this vision planner is just as much for our children! We must never forget that ultimately, these are their lives we are helping to direct. We must involve them in the process and in so doing, we not only can pour into their lives, but it is an incredible opportunity for the relationship to grow as we share our hearts in reciprocal manner.

This planner is unique in that it is much more than a simple planner! This is a 50+ page intensive guide packed with wisdom and tools to help you transform your thinking and learn how to redirect your homeschooling on this path to more freedom!

$29 Value

BONUS: Receive all future updates for FREE!

Value: Hundreds!

lady holding a sign that says "update"

That right! If you purchase the Lifeschooling Vision Planner, you will receive all future updates for free! I'm already thinking of more content I'd like to add in future versions (I'm a perfectionist, remember?), so you can have access to this planner as it grows and evolves over the years!

special offer

I want you and your whole family to leave overwhelm behind and experience all the freedom lifeschooling brings! Don't miss out on this special relaunch offer.

Total value (with bonuses): $34+

Your price: $29

You Get:

  • the newly updated lifeschooling Vision planner – $34 value
  • BONUS: receive all future updates to the planner for FREE – Value: hundreds!


The “Who Is This Child?” Journal helps you discover your child’s gifts and talents as you walk through daily life. It is meant to be used as a record of interests and “rabbit trails.” The planner is most useful when used in combination with the journal and helps create a long-term vision based on the discoveries made in the journal.

Yes! If you have the right mindset and truly want to bring more of a lifeschooling approach into your homeschooling, the Vision Planner can be a great guide. While it may be “looser” than what you are used to, this will be a benefit if you are able to lean into lifeschooling.

You know the saying… “You get what you pay for!” There are some helpful freebies out there, but most have not had the amount of time and effort poured into them that this planner has had. The Lifeschooling Vision Planner is over 50 pages of worksheets, forms, and content and is almost like a book and a planner wrapped into one. It’s like being coached along the process of planning your more relaxed approach to homeschooling!

Of course I want you to be happy with your purchase! While I am not able to fully refund your money, if you let me know what did not work for you and how I can improve the planner, I will be happy to give you a coupon for the amount you paid.

More Questions?

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