You graduated high school...

The "5 Tips to Opting Out of College Successfully" course will give you the crucial next steps to achieve your dream career!

Computer with "5 tips for opting out of college successfully" course on the screen and pages from the workbook



You long for a different path, one that does not require...

college graduate with hand on head, feeling frustrated

You want a career that allows...

...but you're afraid you might be missing some important pieces of the puzzle that will get you there.

I'm here to not only tell you that success without a college degree is possible...

key to success

...but to also hand you the key!

Many people still believe you need college to succeed.

If you have two minutes, I'd like to share why that's not true.

Today, there are countless paths to personal, professional, and financial freedom that do not require college. (I'm not only talking about the trades, either.)

For starters, take Nick Arl.

Nick Arl in front of his house

That’s him in the picture above. Nick is smiling because he just bought his first house. At age 21. With no college degree.

Nick worked at McDonalds during high school. He was promoted to manager before he turned 18. Instead of college, he took a job working construction.

Then Nick completed a program that helped him build the skills to break into sales.

Today, Nick’s got an awesome job at a growing company where he’s been promoted several times, and now leads a team.

Nick has no student debt. He makes great money. He owns his own house. He’s happily married.

Nick did all of that without following the traditional path that suggests you need college to achieve the American dream.

But Nick is not alone. There are thousands of stories just like his.

Stories of young adults who’ve deliberately chosen to opt out of a broken system.

Young adults like Mia Liang. Who went from homeschooled, pre-professional ballerina at age 16 to the youngest member of a thriving marketing agency and self-published author at age 18.

Mia Liang

Mia skipped college to focus on gaining the skills + experience she needed to break into a marketing career.

Today, she’s got an awesome job as a Sr. Marketing Analyst (that's multiple promotions since her first job). She’s financially independent. She’s published multiple e-books. And she’s only in her early 20s.

There are countless more stories just like Nick’s and Mia’s.

Stories of young adults who’ve deliberately chosen to skip college in order to get a head start on their journey.

And that’s why the program, Praxis, exists.

Over the past decade, the team at Praxis has helped nearly a 1,000 young adults discover their career interests, build in-demand skills through project-based learning and one-on-one mentorship, grow their professional networks, navigate their first career job hunts, and develop a roadmap for their futures.

We know what it takes to succeed without college, and we’d like to share this knowledge with you and your family.

That’s why Life as a Lifeshooler teamed up with Praxis to create "5 Tips for Opting Out of College Successfully: A Short Course in Winning the Early Innings of Your Career Without A Degree."

phones with course title displayed on screen

We've broken down the 45-minute workshop into 8 easily-digestable lessons and paired it with a detailed workbook that will serve as a physical road map to guide you and help keep you focused on the required tasks and document your journey.

This course is jam-packed with tips and exercises to help your teen or young adult gain career clarity, learn how to create value, grow his or her network, and achieve career success – even if they don’t go to college.

Computer with "5 tips for opting out of college successfully" course on the screen and pages from the workbook
So... What does the key to your successful future cost?

How much will you pay to STOP spinning your wheels and start actively moving towards your future career goals TODAY?

Total value with bonuses: $670+

Special Price $97

Praxis Testimonials
spiral bound workbook standing upright


This workbook will guide you step-by-step as you go through all 8 lessons, giving you specific tasks to complete and space to record your questions, thoughts, and action plans. Having a record of your journey and the process is invaluable!

The workbook includes:

  • Short synopsis of each lesson with area for Key Takeaway
  • Score card with tasks for each lesson
  • Specific exercises for each lesson with space to document
  • Motivational quotes to print
  • 30-Day Plan calendar
  • Top Book Recommendations
$29 Value
phones with course title displayed on screen

Video Lessons

This course contains 8 concise video lessons:

  1.  Introduction
  2. 3 Real Life Examples
  3. Tip 1: Clarity is Your First Mission
  4. Tip 2: Learn How to Create Value
  5. Tip 3: Grow Your Vertical and Horizontal Networks
  6. Tip 4: Become a Lifelong Learner
  7. Tip 5: Solve a Problem for One Person First
  8. Next Steps and More Info about Praxis
$68 Value

BONUS #1: Scholarship for completing the course!

Value: $500!

scholarship written on a slip of paper on top of dollar bills
Praxis logo

Once you complete the course and send proof of completion, you will receive a $500 scholarship to the full Praxis program!

BONUS #2: Motivational Facebook Community Support and Email Check-ins

Value: $59

group of friends communicating on Facebook

A community of other like-minded students and parents can be a huge support as you work through the course together!

Plus, I will send regular emails to check in on your progress and offer advice.

special offer

I want you to leave confusion and fear behind and discover the path to your career success! Don't miss out on this special launch offer.


Total value (with bonuses): $650+

Your price: $97

You Get:

  • 8 video lessons taught by praxis ceo, mitchell earl – $68 value
  • 30-page MOTIVATIONAL workbook with checklists and exercise to get you to take action now – $29
  • Bonus #1: Scholarship for completing the course – $500 value
  • BONUS #2: Motivational Facebook Community Support and email check-ins – Value: $59


This a course that breaks the workship down into easily-digestible lessons and includes a full 30-page course workbook that will motivate you to take action and specifically guide you through the process. You will also find special bonuses here that are not available anywhere else.

While I can’t promise you will finish this course, I can tell you that if you are motivated and have the right mindset, the “5 Steps to Opting Out of College Successfully” course will be a key to moving forward with your dreams. Whether you take this course or not, YOU are the key to your own success!

Investing in yourself will put a certain amount of pressure on you to complete the course. We naturally value what we pay for! Additionally, we have included a full workbook and incredible bonuses (including a $500 scholarship) you won’t find elsewhere! The community aspect and regular “check-ins” through email will also add an element of accountability. If you know you are the kind of person who needs a little extra motivation, this is created to meet that need and push you forward.

While I am not able to fully refund your money, it is always my goal to make sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase. If you complete the course and put in the work, but are still unsatisfied with the outcome, reach out and I’ll do my best to make sure you’re happy by offering a store credit or a similar offer.

More Questions?

Email us at!